Antibiotics May Be Doing Your Dog More Harm Than Good – and How to Rectify the Situation …

Are Antibiotics Making Your Pet Sick?

“Antibiotics disrupt the normal population of beneficial microbes in the gastrointestinal tract of all animals, these beneficial bacteria are the first fine of defense against most diseases, without them the animal is more susceptible to other infections. Antibiotics depress the immune system by decreasing the number of circulating white blood cells. This lowers the animal’s ability to fight infections. Some antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol, can cause irreversible damage to the bone marrow. Many bacteria develop resistance to the effects of antibiotics, This resistance can be passed to other bacteria, The concern is that if humans are exposed to resistant bacteria from animals then the use of antibiotics may be Ineffective in treating any resulting disease. This is the major controversy regarding the use of antibiotics on a regular basis in food producing animals.” Richard J. Holliday, DVM

“After 40 years of pushing antibiotics for any ailment, physicians are now confronting bacteria that have built defenses against those same drugs. Some infectious bacteria that were once treatable are stronger and often deadly. The reappearance of highly infectious bacteria is caused in part by the overuse and misuse of antibiotics, but the resilience of bacteria also stems from the ingenious biochemistry of the microorganisms themselves. To survive, microorganisms and fungi mutate into resistant strains.”Morton Walker, D.P.M.

“Our society has been conditioned with quick-fix and band-aid medicine. We know from experience that this often times only gives temporary relief and in fact can generate a rebound effect of symptoms or undesirable side-effects. Complimentary medicine, in particular Homeopathy and Herbs, can play a very large part in the successful rearing of our animals. Homeopathy and Herbs are essentially, natural healing processes, providing remedies to assist the patient to regain health by stimulating the body’s natural forces of recovery. They concentrate on treating the patient, rather than the disease.” Marina Zacharias, author of Healthy Breeding with Herbs and Homeopathy


For information on how to build your dog’s immune system so antibiotics are less likely to be required, and to undo the damage which antibiotics may have caused to your dog’s immune system, click here.

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