Senior Dog Health
Senior Dog Health Older dog health is something with which any dog owner should be concerned, particularly if you have an older dog yourself. Senior dog health is an especial concern of mine, since my two dogs both fall into the category of older dogs. Kara, my Rottweiler, and Jet, my Staffordshire Bull Terrier, are both 9 years old. The older dog has slightly different dietary requirements to a younger, more active dog. They require less fat and protein since they don’t generally expend as much energy as they did when they were younger. I know my dogs…
read moreDog Illness Diagnosis – Quick Reference Guide to Natural Pet Remedies
Dog Illness Diagnosis – Dog Symptoms Diagnosis No, we are NOT recommending that you attempt a dog illness diagnosis yourself, even if you believe that a dog symptoms diagnosis is possible for your dog. If your dog is sick, then figuring out sick dog remedies by yourself may not be the most sensible idea. Dog diseases of all types frequently need the specialist attention of your vet. Once you have the dog illness diagnosis from your vet and have discussed the issue with your vet, then by all means, come here and look down the list of dog symptoms and natural pet remedies and…
read moreDog Vitamins – Dogs Need Vitamins Too!
Your Dog Needs Vitamins, Too! Disease is a process which gradually debilitates the cells of an organism. The organism may be you, or me, or your dog (or mine!) Debilitated cells are unable to rebuild, regenerate and repair damage which inevitably occurs just through the fact of being alive and moving day by day closer to the end of life. Of course, much greater damage can be caused by poor nutrition or other dietary deficiencies or excesses, environmental poisons, physical and/or emotional stress or insufficient excercise. In short, anything which pushes the organism past…
read moreHealthy Skin and Coat
A Healthy Skin and Coat for Your Dog: Is your dog blessed with always having a lush, soft coat and skin underneath which never suffers from rashes or itches of any description? If you said yes, yours is a very fortunate dog. More likely, like me, you said “No”, or “Not always”. Most of our dogs suffer from a dull coat and skin irritation from time to time. And if your dog is anything like my Rottweiler, Kara, your dog’s fur is often dusty and not so great to stroke. Kara loves rolling in the dirt outside. …
read moreAntioxidants for Your Dog with Ester C
Antioxidants for Your Dog With Ester C Would your dog benefit from an antioxidant supplement for pets? Antioxidants support the immune system by increasing the number of antibodies which circulate in the blood stream. More antibodies means increased resistance to harmful viruses, bacteria and parasites. Antioxidants inhibit the effects of oxidation. Oxidants, which include free radicals, are toxic byproducts that can damage the structure and function of cells and cell membranes. Free radicals are the cause of most life-threatening diseases, because they contribute to the aging process….
read moreWhat’s REALLY in Your Dog’s Food?
What’s REALLY in Your Dog’s Food? Most people are blissfully unaware as to what goes into commercially prepared dog food. (It’ll shock you). But your dog’s health is not unaware – your dog’s health WILL suffer if you feed your dog most commercially prepared dog foods. Dogs fed on commercially prepared dog food tend to suffer from a higher incidence of degenerative-type diseases, and, on the whole, to not live as long as those fed a dog’s natural diet. Don’t believe me? An eye-opening article has been prepared by the…
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